

Capital social, ¿positivo?

Costa-Font y Gil (2004), sin embargo, observan una relación negativa entre la variable "interacciones sociales" y la obesidad, de manera que, a mayor número de interacciones, menor obesidad, y lo explican así: "Results from several sample selection models suggest that social interactions enable individuals to compare themselves with each other, and encourage behaviours that might prevent obesity and overweight."

Pero son precavidos, no como tantos periodistas: "However, we should note that due to data limitations the study does not include relevant variables connected with individual’s lifestyles such as food intake, smoking and drinking habits along with sport practice." Lo cual resta bastante valor a la asociación observada.

Además, reconocen que correlación no implica causación, e incluso que la causación puede ser del sentido contrario: "For instance, one might argue that obese people may find it more difficult to find friends". Les honra.