Menos mal que nos queda Lomborg
"In the developing world, environmental indicators are getting worse, as you note. In Bombay and Bangkok, air pollution is only getting thicker. But countries in the developing world are simply prioritizing in the same way the West did 100 years ago. They care first about feeding their kids, not cleaning up the air. And if you look at the West, that strategy works. Today, London’s air is the cleanest it has been since medieval times. Some of the richest developing countries are already following suit. In Mexico and Chile, air pollution is going down.
We need to keep environmental problems in context and prioritize the ones to solve first. Despite a dramatic drop in U.S. air pollution, it still constitutes the United States’ most serious environmental hazard—and kills roughly 135,000 people each year. But you talk about mercury, which is far less detrimental and far less beneficial if cleaned up. That is what I mean by prioritization. The same is true for the developing world. Yes, water is important. But you focus on scarcity, which is a management issue. Why not talk about access to clean drinking water? Despite dramatic improvements, 1 billion people today live without it, resulting in more than 2 million (otherwise preventable) deaths each year. You mention that 37 million more people will be malnourished in sub–Saharan Africa by 2015, but you neglect to point out that the number of well–fed people will increase 10–fold, by more than 374 million."
Como dice el refrán, léanlo entero.ACTUALIZACIÓN. Joseba Louzao me recuerda que el texto también está en castellano en la versión española de Foreign Policy. Pues eso, como dice él, para los "comodones".
En la versión española también encontramos este debate:
Lo digo para los que somos comodones...
Joseba, at 7/26/2005 12:23 p. m.
Eso de que los recursos son escasos es una mentira. Son practicamente infinitos. Por ejemplo la energia: E=mc2 indica la cantidad de energia que existe en la materia, siendo m la materia y c la velocidad de la luz (300.000 km/seg). El agua: si por algo habia que llamar a este planeta es por agua por ser el elemento más abundante. Y así sucesivamente. Un saludo
Anónimo, at 7/26/2005 8:15 p. m.
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